Thursday, November 13, 2014

WEST Handmade and Vintage Sale VI Wrap-up

Can you believe the WEST Handmade and Vintage Sale VI was only a few days ago? WEST was pleased to host our 6th Handmade and Vintage Sale, which was held at the Holy Cross Gym on Saturday. The sale ran from 11-4 and we were oh-so excited to see over 1400 people come through the doors to visit our 48 vendors, talented musicians (Oakhorn Music, Alan Wong, Allanah ZeebeckTannis Kelm), one stacked canteen (featuring Other Brother Roasters and Jonnies Sticky Buns), as well as take part in the Make-It Table hosted by Michael's Polo Park

On to the photos!

Group photo by Meg Crane (cockroach zine)

Above batch by Caitlin Schlamb (realswanky / decent photography.)

A rarity - oh my! Our usual photo gal Caitlin (finally snapped a pic in front of the lens!)
by Andee P. (sew dandee)

Above batch by Roy Liang.

WEST can't wait to see what treasures you picked up from the event. Want to show them off online? We'd love to see your posts on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook - Don't forget to hashtag #winnipegetsy !


  1. this is awesome!!! so sad i missed this event!! :D

    Animated Confessions

    1. There will certainly be more! Watch the WEST Facebook for details :)

  2. Great wrap-up! My only regret is that it was too busy for me to go around and meet the other vendors! I hope everyone else had as good a day as I had.


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