Sunday, October 14, 2012

A few photos from the Handmade and Vintage Sale

Here are some photos from the our first WEST Handmade and Vintage Sale on October 13, 2012. We would like to thank everyone who came out and supported our team! We all had a great time--the energy was amazing and we met so many wonderful Winnipeggers.

photos by Caitlin of Real Swanky


  1. This was such a FANTASTIC show, I'm so sad that it's over! Big thanks to everyone who sold, bought, hung out, and showed their support :)

  2. LOVE all of these photos - they capture such an awesome vibe!!

  3. Fantastic photography! You're magic Caitlin! The whole event was awesome! :D

  4. Such wonderful photos! The only thing it doesn't capture is how busy it was!

  5. wonderful photos! thanks Caitlin for being our official photog for the day!
    and thanks Jenn for getting these pics up so fast!!

  6. I think we need a workshop with Caitlin giving us some photography tips! Fabulous day everyone!

  7. Great shots, Caitlin!! It was a great day, indeed!

  8. looks fantastic!
    I wanted to join this event!!
    next time for sure!

  9. I wish I could have been there, it looked fantastic! I would love to be in the next one.


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