Wednesday, October 10, 2012

WEST Handmade and Vintage Sale - Decor Committee Hard at Work!

Many hands make light work!

Thanks to Ashlee (Smash Knits) 

Caitlin (Real Swanky)

and Kendra (The Pink Thistle) for answering the call for help!

If you want to see the results of all this hard work, make sure you pop by our sale on October 13.

Special note from WEST captain Ruth - Ashlee organized this event and the decor committee, Caitlin has also been a huge help to the marketing committee, generously sharing her design skills with WEST and Kendra recently joined the team and came out to her first WEST event to help! You gals rock!


  1. oh that looks so good - you guys really are awesome crafty gals :)

  2. I brought my $10 garage sale portable kenmore, once I remembered how to thread it, it whipped through those pennants! sorry Janome, I wasn't cheating on you :)

  3. Can't wait to see it all on Sat! I'm sure it looks awesome!


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