Welcome to WESTie Wednesday, where each week we get to know a proud WEST member and their Etsy shop! Learn about Lisa and her shop LisaWhitehouseArt!
"I started painting in Spring of 2015 and I realized I truly loved painting with watercolours. I have been addicted ever since! I paint wildlife as well as commissioned pet portraits. I am still so new to the art world and I am learning as I go. I started by putting everything I paint on Etsy, but as I paint every day I have come to realize that would be too many to manage. Now I pick the pieces that translate best to prints and that people who follow me on facebook like best."
"I sell prints of my original watercolours. I hope to some day sell originals as well but so far I haven't held onto them long enough for them to make it to Etsy :) My demographic is anyone who loves art and appreciates the beauty and loose style of watercolours."
"Etsy is so easy to use and I love that it connects artists in all categories. It is truly a one stop shop for all things handmade and I am so proud to be a part of it!"
Want to see more? Be sure to check out LisaWhitehouseArt on social media!
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